Vetrogon goji berry gardens

Naming consulting
Logo design
Packaging design
Printed matter

Bulgarian farmer specialised in the production of Goji berry decided to extend his scope by giving his main product a more professional look. He approached Zen Studio with the task of finding a suitable name, a logo and a packaging for their first series of products.
In the naming process as well as in the development of a visual language, we let the regional factor play an important role. The gardens, in which the goji berries are being grown are situated in an impressive area on the Black sea coast, inhabited by constant winds and laying on the birds migratory route Via Pontica. So the name 'Vetrogon' meaning "as fast and easy as the wind" was chosen by the producer of organic products for its connection with the Bulgarian folklore and the characteristic of being persistent, free-spirited and able to adapt. The colour scale we developed for the packaging and the brochure of Vetrogon also follows the idea of a local affiliation. Shades of red, green and beige were chosen and arranged in a pattern, reminding of traditional embroidery motives of the Bulgarian folklore. The photography was also realised by Zen Studio.